Monday, 10 April 2017

Me'a's Teach the Teacher

Me’a’s Teach the Teacher

On the 10th of April 2017, Me’a taught the class how to make gloop that hardens when you move it and liquidises when it is still, she also showed us how to make moon sand!

The ingredients for the gloop are: food colouring, 2 cups of corn flour and 1 cup of cold water.

First she poured 2 cups of cornflour into a big bowl. Then she added food colouring that she mixed with water into the bowl. The gloop was finished!

Me’a also told us how to make moon sand\cloud dough, that is not expensive at all. She told the class that you can make shapes out of them. The ingredients are baby oil and flour.
First she poured 8 cups of flour into a bowl. Then she added 1 cup of baby oil and mixed it together. She also handed out the moon sand to the class, we all got to take a cup home to play with. Me'a was very well organised with containers and bowls, she even had cups with gladwrap so we could transport our moon sand home safely. Me'a donated some more of the moon sand to her buddy class in the juniors, we knew how much they would love playing with it.

We all loved Me’a’s teach the teacher, I wish we could do it everyday.IMG_0396.JPG

We got to go outside and play with the goop

Written by Leora and Ethan
Edited by Cathy

Gareth's Teach the Teacher

Gareth’s Teach the Teacher

On the 10th April 2017 Gareth showed us how to make flash slime.
It is very wobbly, but fun to play with. He organised all the ingredients and practiced how to make it on the weekend with his cousins.

What you will need:

  • Shaving cream
  • Borax+water- slime activator
  • Warm water
  • PVA glue
  • Food colouring
  • Bowl + spoon
  • Hand lotion
First pour 1 teaspoon of borax into your cup of water. Stir it up until the borax has dissolved. Then then put some glue into the bowl add some shaving cream. Then put your food colouring into your glue and shaving cream now start mixing (food colouring is optional). Now you can add in your hand lotion then add in your slime.Next add warm water and borax into a bowl and stir well for 3 minutes to activate the slime. Activation it is very important that you add in little by little every time then you have to mix it together. Then play with it but make sure it is not sticky if it is then pour 1 teaspoon of slime activator. If you had to add more slime activator try again. If it does feel like rubber then put a bit of lotion into your hand.Now the slime will be ready.

We all enjoyed Gareth’s amazing teach the teacher project, he went through all the steps and pointed out important instructions and handy tips. We could all could watch it again, we all loved his project and how we could interact with making it, the slime was very soft and fluffy.

Report by Ethan and Leora

Monday, 3 April 2017

Making Pom Poms

We are working with Room 6 to make pom poms to decorate our tress for Environment Week, watch this space to see how we get on, this is only early days!

Shreyas' Teach the Teacher Reported on by Amber

Shreyas’s Teach The Teacher
On Monday the 3rd of April 2017, Shreyas presented his magnificent science experiment to the whole class.


His science experiment involved using blue food colouring, dishwashing liquid, warm water (boiling water kills yeast), yeast (started dissolving in warm water) and the most important ingredient; Hydrogen Peroxide.

Shreyas poured the Hydrogen Peroxide in first, then the warm water after the food colouring, next the dishwashing liquid. Last but not least yeast.  


It was very entertaining watching the reaction of the ingredients. Especially when the Hydrogen Peroxide reacted to the yeast. When it happened, it was like an erupting volcano!20170403_111937.jpg

Written by Amber
Edited by Room 7

Amber's Teach the Teacher Reported by Cathy

Amber’s Teach the Teacher

On Monday morning Amber presented her teach the teacher. It was about playdough. ( She said it was very expensive to buy playdough and it is way easier to just make it instead and you should have all the ingredients in your kitchen already and you can make it non-toxic. )

First she poured salt and flour into a container. Amber said the flour makes the playdough not sticky like normal dough. She added vegetable oil. She slowly added water and mixed it with the salt, vegetable oil and flour and stirred it together. It started to look like dough! She had nearly finished the playdough! Amber poked the playdough with the back of a paintbrush and added pink food colouring to make the playdough pink. She used her hands to squash the playdough to mix the food colouring.

But then she suddenly announced that she failed. But in my opinion I think she did very well as she knew what she did wrong so she must have practiced a lot! I think she will do very well the next time she does teach the teacher and I wish her the best of luck for next time as I am sure she will make her next attempt flawless!

By Cathy

Amber pouring all the ingredients in.                                   Amber mixing all the ingredients together.20170403_115248.jpg

The finished product.

Sunday, 2 April 2017

We voted and chose to all learn this times table rock song!

Isabella's Teach the Teacher - Slime and Crystals

Isabella taught us how to make slime and crystals.  She showed us how to make slime using P.V.A. glue, borax and water.  The crystals we grew into a star shape, these were made from borax and boiling water.  Each day the crystals have grown bigger and bigger, we have had fun checking!