Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Our Passion Projects are Due Tomorrow

Room 7’s Passion Projects
What is a passion?
Something you really love to do or just love
A hobby, one of your favourite things
You enjoy it
You don’t get sick of it
Your way of life
You can do it for a living
Passionate like Spongebob
Do it without being told
Task to complete
The purpose of this task is for you to learn something new; something that you have always wanted to do.
Maybe you have wanted to learn how to play a guitar. Build a dog kennel, Cook a gourmet meal, complete a family tree or even learn to make a movie. There is absolutely no limit to what you want to learn as long as you are passionate about the subject area.
Through the completion of this task you will gain a new skills, knowledge and understanding about something that is important to you and your own ability to learn. But there is a catch – you have to learn this area well

  • You must select a task or skill in which they want to learn something new. (some examples my students have done in the past are dressmaking, making a video game, learning an instrument, cooking a 3 course meal for their family or building a cubby house.)
  • You need to research and complete the task within the time frame outlined.
  • You will need to keep an online diary of their learning journey outlining their successes and failures.
  • ·You then teach a family member or friend your task or skill to show them what you have learnt.

  •   Finally you must put together a presentation outlining your learning journey including videos, photos and feedback from family members or friends.
  • Due week 9 31/3/17

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