Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Stephany's Reuse, Reduce, Recycle Inquiry


  1. We liked how your slides for reduce reuse recycle were so informative and easy to understand,and next time maybe use a louder voice for your presentation and try to include the audience.

    Amber and Joshua.

  2. I like your ideas and how you have lots of pictures on your slides! Did you know it takes 1 million years for glass to decompose? I think you have the right idea as I have tons of tissue boxes in my house! Was it hard to think of the idea?

  3. I loved your very informative presentation Stephany! Did you know it takes 90 years to grow a box of Kleenex! I once made a re-usable tissue box but I super-glued on the id before putting in any tissues:( I wonder if you can make the box a different shape?

  4. I like the way you set you're slides. I like how you had a clear voice the whole.

  5. I like how you explained reduce reuse recycle project.

  6. I like how you presented and spoke fluently. I like how you were creative with your project idea. Nice job.

    Cooper and Ethan

  7. Thanks Cathy, It wasn't that hard, I was going to make a money collector but I couldn't find a circle shaped container, so I changed It a bit:)
