Autobiography - Ethan

Ethan was born on the 8th of May 2006. His Mum was Laura and his dad was Jonathan. Ethan was always a naughty baby and would not go to sleep without his mum by his side. Ethan was always curious. Especially with all the building going on outside. Ethan had found a passion for football at two years old from his dad. Ethan had been going to preschool three days a week while his mum studied for her masters degree at auckland university. Ethan disliked it.
Two months before he turned three his brother Jacob was born. Jacob became a bit of a troublesome brother and when he was two he drilled thirteen holes in the wall. At four years old he started playing Football. He didn't enjoy his first match but soon found a passion for the sport. Ethan soon turned five and started school. His teacher was Mrs Mairs. His best friend was Logan. They had made great friends and were best friends for years.
Ethan did not like school for the first year and especially going to after school care three days a week. Ethan soon turned six in year one and he was in room twelve with Mrs Klee. He was with his best friend Logan. Half way through the year Mrs Klees husband died and Mrs Divers took over.
In year two Ethan was still playing football and he was one of the best for his age getting into the Top premier team. Ethan could not give up playing football and did anything to keep playing. He was always a helpful boy when he wanted to be.
When Ethan was year five he went to Nationals Football tournament in Kumeu. Ethan's team drew their first match and won every other game even the final!. And efive experience as year 5b camp in Piha and they came back to school for a sleepover. Ethan’s year five friends were Finn, Jack, Nick, Franklin and Chris. Most of Ethan's friends were year six and sadly had to say goodbye.
Ethan soon was a year six student and was privileged to become a school leader. Ethan had so many good times and became friends with Gareth and Cooper; Ethan had known them since he was two years old. Ethan also went on year six camp and was down there for five days. Down there he did lots of outdoor events including kayaking, ziplining, team activities, Burma trail, archery, horse riding and survival. Now Ethan is eleven and can’t wait until he graduates and goes to intermediate. Ethan is looking forward to life ahead.
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