Isabella Hawkins
Isabella Mary Hawkins was born June the 12th, 2007. Her birthstone is a pearl.
Isabella is very interested in playing netball, horse riding, going to the beach, swimming, with her family on a boat, playing with her friends and she also loves to go camping with her friends and family.
Isabella’s family members are her dad Royce, mum Stephanie, older brother Connor, older sister Laiken, other older sister Brittany and younger brother Oliver. Isabella also has 3 younger cousins. Her oldest cousin is called Lucia, she lives in Auckland. Her other cousin is called Fergus and his younger brother is called Cody, they live in Dunedin. Lucia is four years old, Fergus is two years old and Cody is three months old.
Isabella has three pets; these are Skidd the cat, Elmo the rabbit and six fish she is also begging and begging for a horse. Isabella lives in New Zealand, and her favourite animal is a horse.
What Isabella wants to be when she grows up;
Isabella wants to be a horse rider, sailor, teacher,Silver Fern, swimmer, author and also wants to be on the Block N.Z.
Isabella is still in primary school and loves to read books including Pony Club Secrets by Stacy Gregg, The BFG by Roald Dahl along with lots of other amazing books by many other authors. Isabella likes to go to the movies with her family and her favourite movie that she has seen is Captain Underpants. Isabella enjoys watching The Jungle Book along with many other movies.
Isabella likes to play with her friends and with her family. One of Isabella’s favourite things to do is to go on an aeroplane to visit her cousins, Grandparents and Aunt and Uncle in Dunedin. When Isabella went on a holiday to Dunedin she was lucky enough to visit the Cadbury Chocolate Factory, visit Larnach castle and the Moraki boulders.
In conclusion Isabella loves to spend time with her family in Dunedin and Auckland. She enjoys reading lots of different books and also likes to go to the cinema. Isabella loves to be around her family, she loves the outdoors, especially to go horse riding, swimming at the beach, sailing with her friends, and to play netball.
Awesome Auto-biography Isabella - I wonder if Mum and Dad might get you a pet horse? ;)